Oh, those Ting brothers, they sure are somethin’. I heard they ain’t gonna play for that USC team no more. Ting brothers USC, that’s what folks are sayin’. They smart cookies, though, always were. Gonna hit them books instead, that’s what I heard. They’re twins, you know, look just the same.

They played that football real good, though. Even if they ain’t playin’ no more. I remember seein’ them on the TV. Brandon and Ryan Ting, always together. Their daddy, he trained them good when they was little. They were always runnin’ and jumpin’, even when they was knee-high to a grasshopper.
- They played for that Bishop Gorman place in Las Vegas.
- Played chess, too, smart fellers.
- Got them awards for bein’ smart in school, them two did. Academic All-American, that’s what they called it.
Ting Brothers in USC
But now, it’s all about them books. No more football for the Ting brothers. USC will miss ’em, I reckon. They was good boys, always polite, yes ma’am, no ma’am. Not like some of these young’uns today, all full of themselves.
I remember one time, they came to visit their grandma, just down the road from me. Brought her a whole basket full of them fancy oranges. Said they came all the way from California. Sweet as sugar, those oranges was. Just like them boys.
Twins, they always got a special bond, you know. Do everything together. These two, Brandon and Ryan, they even went to the same college, played on the same team. Now they gonna study together, too. That’s nice, I think. Good to have someone lookin’ out for ya.
- Ryan Ting, he played defense, I think.
- Brandon Ting, he was on defense, too.
- Both of them were good players.
Smart Boys, Those Ting Brothers
Their mama, she must be so proud. Got two boys, both of ’em smart and good at sports. Not many folks can say that. She raised ’em right, that’s for sure. Taught ’em to be respectful and work hard.
They used to play out in the yard, just across the way. Could hear ’em laughin’ and carryin’ on. Always up to somethin’, those two. But never caused no real trouble, no sir. Just good, clean fun.
Now they all grown up, and look at ’em. USC, that’s a big fancy school. And they got them academic awards. Makes a body feel good to see young folks doin’ well. Gives ya hope for the future, you know?
I wonder what they gonna be when they finish up with all that schoolin’. Doctors, maybe? Or lawyers? Could be anything, I suppose. With their brains, they could rule the world if they wanted to. Ting brothers USC, they gonna be famous one day, I betcha.

Remembering Those Ting Brothers
I saw their picture in the paper a while back. Still look just the same, them two. Handsome fellers, always smilin’. Good teeth, too. Their mama always made ’em brush after every meal, I remember.
They was always good to their elders, too. Helped old Mr. Johnson across the street more than once. And they always waved when they saw me sittin’ on the porch. Just good kids, you know? Hard to find that these days.
Well, I guess that’s all I know about them Ting brothers. They gone off to do big things, I reckon. Hope they remember us little folks when they famous. But somethin’ tells me they will. They just that kinda boys. USC is lucky to have ’em, even if they ain’t playin’ football no more. They gonna do just fine, those two. Just you wait and see.
Gonna miss seein’ them around, though. Things just ain’t the same when the young folks leave. But that’s life, I guess. Always changin’. Just gotta keep up as best you can. And remember the good times, that’s what I always say. And those Ting brothers, they sure gave us some good times to remember, didn’t they? Yeah, those were some good times. Smart boys, good at sports and gonna be big things one day. You just watch.