Well, I heard some folks talking ’bout this game, Clash of Clans, the other day. Sounds like a right hoot. They was sayin’ how important it is to have a good defense. So, I thought I’d try to figure out what’s the best Clash of Clans defence. If you gonna play, you gotta know how to keep them other fellas from takin’ all your stuff, right?

Protect Your Stuff, I Say!
First thing’s first, you gotta protect your gold and elixir. That’s like the money in this game, I reckon. You need that to build things and make your place stronger. So, keep them gold and elixir stores safe. Don’t just leave ’em out in the open for anyone to snatch up. Put ’em somewhere safe, I always say. Just like you wouldn’t leave your purse sittin’ on the porch swing, would ya?
And that Town Hall, they call it. You gotta keep that safe too. It’s like the heart of your village, I guess. If that goes, you’re in a heap of trouble. That’s what them young’uns told me anyway. Put it right in the middle, and build a bunch of walls around it. Walls is important, see. Keep them bad guys out.
Walls and Other Things
- Use them walls. Lots of ’em. Make little rooms, they say. Compartments. Keeps them enemy troops from just runnin’ wild all over your place. Slows ’em down, like.
- And put your important buildin’s behind them walls. That’s just common sense, ain’t it? Like keepin’ your chickens in the coop, not out in the yard where the fox can get ’em.
- And there’s this Clan Castle, and a Barbarian King, and some Archer Queen. I don’t rightly know what all they do, but they sound important. Keep ’em in the middle too, safe and sound.
That’s what them folks were sayin’ anyway. And some kinda Eagle Artillery. Sounds mighty powerful. Put that in the middle, too, I reckon. The more important somethin’ is, the harder it should be for them other players to get to it. That just makes sense.
The Best Defenses You Can Get
Now, they was talkin’ ’bout all kinds of defenses. Cannons and archer towers and such. I hear that the best one right now is something called the Giga Inferno. If you got a Town Hall that’s a level 14, or 15, or even 16, then you need that Giga Inferno. That’s like a big, important defense. Keeps them enemy troops away. They said it is the best defensive structure in the whole game.
And don’t forget to upgrade your defenses! That’s what they kept sayin’. Make ’em stronger. Like fixin’ the holes in your fence so the cows don’t get out. You gotta keep up with it, or you’ll be in trouble.
And you gotta have a good plan, they say. A strategy. Don’t just throw things up willy-nilly. Think about where you put things. Like plantin’ a garden. You gotta put the tomatoes where they get the most sun, right? Same idea, I guess.
Troops and Such
They talked about troops, too. You gotta have good troops to defend your place. Like havin’ a good watchdog. You need the best troops you can get if you wanna win at this game, and defend your stuff. Choose the right ones, they say. Some are good for attackin’, and some are good for defendin’.
And there’s these archers and minions. You can use them to pick off defenses near the builder hall. That’s what they call it, the BH. One of them corners usually has defenses like an archer tower or air bombs, or cannons. You gotta be smart about which ones you use, though. Use the ones that are best for the job. It’s like pickin’ the right tool. You wouldn’t use a hammer to saw wood, would ya?

Keepin’ Up With It All
Seems like a lot to keep track of, don’t it? But I reckon if you want to be good at this Clash of Clans thing, you gotta learn it all. It’s like anythin’ else. Takes time and effort. You gotta find the best base design that works for you, too.
So, there you have it. That’s what I learned about best clash of clans defence. It ain’t rocket science, but it ain’t exactly simple neither. Just remember to protect your gold and elixir, keep that Town Hall safe, build them walls, and upgrade your defenses. And get yourself a good Giga Inferno when your Town Hall is big enough. And pick the best troops you can. And have a good plan, that’s always good. Then maybe you’ll do alright in this Clash of Clans game. Good luck, and don’t let them other fellas steal your stuff!