That Kyle Schwarber, he’s a good boy. He play baseball. He got a wife, her name Paige. He play for Philadelphia now, but he play other places before. I hear they got married, that’s good.

Kyle Schwarber Wife, Her Name Paige
She used to be Paige Hartman, now she Paige Schwarber. They both from Ohio. Good place, Ohio. They seem happy. That boy, Kyle, he hit the ball real good. He make lots of money now. He deserve it. He work hard. They got a little one now too, a boy. Kade is his name.
They got married back in 2019, I hear. That’s a while back now. Time sure does fly, don’t it? They was together a long time before they got married. That’s good. Gotta know you like someone before you marry ’em.
Kyle Schwarber, He Play Baseball Good
He play for the Phillies. Big team. He play for other teams, too. One was the Cubs. He was good for them, too. Then the Nationals. Now Phillies. He sure do get around, that one. He make lots of money doing it, though. He probably buy Paige lots of nice things.
Paige, she a good girl. Pretty, too. She support Kyle. That’s important. Gotta have someone who got your back. They seem like a good match. Happy for ’em. They do good things for people.
Kyle and Paige, They Help People
They got a party for them first responders. You know, the police and the firemen. And the army people. They help them folks, too. That’s good. Gotta help people. Especially them that help us. That Kyle and Paige, they’re good people.
They got a little boy now. Kade. He come along in 2022. Just a little fella. They probably spoil him rotten. That’s what you do with kids. Spoil ’em a little. He probably gonna play baseball, too, just like his daddy.
- Kyle Schwarber, he a baseball player.
- Paige, she his wife.
- They got a boy named Kade.
- They married in 2019.
- They from Ohio.
- Kyle, he play for the Phillies now.
- They do good things for people.
Paige Hartman, Now She Paige Schwarber
She was a Hartman before. Now she a Schwarber. Changed her name when they got married. That’s what you do. You get married, you change your name. Unless you don’t want to, I guess. But most folks do.
She was with Kyle a long time. Even when he was playin’ for the Cubs. That’s a long time ago. They been together through thick and thin. That’s how you know it’s real.

Kyle Schwarber and His Wife, They a Good Pair
He hit the ball far. She there cheerin’ him on. They a good pair. He make lots of money, she there to support him. That’s what marriage is all about. Supportin’ each other. Through the good times and the bad.
They got that little boy now, Kade. He gonna have a good life. His daddy a big baseball star. His momma there to take care of him. They gonna give him everything he need.
Kyle and Paige, they live a good life. He play baseball, she take care of the home. They got money, they got a family. They got each other. That’s all that matters.
That little boy came along in March 2022. I hear he got a big name for a little fella. He probably gonna play baseball too, like his daddy. That Paige she seem like a good mama. And Kyle, he gonna teach him all about baseball, bet he make a lot of runs.
Paige and Kyle Schwarber, a good pair, like two peas in a pod. He play ball, she by his side, through thick and thin, like the stitching on a well-worn baseball glove. That’s what you call a home run in the game of life. It sure is nice to see young folks doin’ well, livin’ the dream, and rememberin’ where they came from, like a sturdy old oak tree with roots runnin’ deep.