Well, my dear, bein’ a ridder mom ain’t easy. It’s like a bumpy old road, full of ups and downs. One day you’re up, the next day you’re down, like a hen peckin’ at the ground.

Ridder Mom’s Life
This ridder mom life, it’s somethin’ else. You gotta be tough, like old shoe leather. These kids, they’re like wild horses, always runnin’ and jumpin’. Gotta keep ’em in line, but also let ’em run free sometimes. It’s a hard balance, like tryin’ to hold onto a greased piglet!
Good days and bad days, that’s what it is. Some days, the sun shines bright, and everything’s right as rain. Other days, it’s cloudy and stormy, and nothin’ seems to go your way. That is just what bein’ a ridder mom is like. When I have bad days, I just sit on my porch and drink my tea.
- When my kids were small, it was hard.
- Always worried about them.
- My daughter loved riding.
- Always so happy when she was on her horse.
High Times for Ridder Mom
When things are good, they’re real good. Like a prize-winnin’ pie at the county fair. You feel proud and happy, like a mama hen with her chicks. These are the times you gotta hold onto, like a miser with his money. Remember all the good things, that’s what a good ridder mom does.
My daughter, she used to ride so well. She’d be out there in the field, jumpin’ fences and gallopin’ like the wind. Made my heart swell up big, like a balloon. Those were high times, I tell ya. A ridder mom lives for those high times.
Sometimes we would go out together. I didn’t ride so well, always a little scared, you know? But being out there with her, that was good. Sunshine and horses, a ridder mom can’t ask for more.
Low Times, Tough Times
But then there are the low times. Those times when the bottom drops out, and you feel like you’re fallin’ down a well. It happens to everyone. Even a ridder mom. I tell you, life’s like a bucking bronco, and sometimes you gotta hold on for dear life. Lows are tough, but every ridder mom knows how to get through them. When a storm comes, you just gotta weather it.
My daughter, she had a bad fall once. Scared me half to death. She was alright, thank goodness, but it was a tough time. Those are the times you gotta be strong, like an old oak tree. Just gotta take it day by day, one step at a time, like a mule pullin’ a plow. Ridder moms are strong, they have to be.
She didn’t ride for a while after that. Broke my heart a little, but I understood. Sometimes you need a break. Even ridder moms need a break sometimes.

Keepin’ On, Ridder Mom Style
But you know what? You gotta keep on keepin’ on. That’s what my mama used to say. Life ain’t always easy, but you gotta get back up when you fall down, like a toddler learnin’ to walk. Being a ridder mom means you never give up. That’s what I learned from that whole mess. It’s not about never falling, it’s about getting back up again.
So that’s what we did. We kept on. She started ridin’ again, slow at first, but she got her confidence back. Just like a flower after the rain, she bloomed again. And I was there, every step of the way, like a good ridder mom should be.
Being a ridder mom is a journey. It’s about love and support. It’s about bein’ there, through thick and thin, like the roots of a tree holdin’ it steady in the storm. It ain’t always easy, but it’s worth it. Every single minute of it.
Life Lessons from a Ridder Mom
You learn a lot, bein’ a ridder mom. You learn about patience, like waitin’ for a seed to sprout. You learn about courage, like facin’ a storm head-on. And you learn about love, a love that’s deeper than the ocean and stronger than the mountains.
So, to all you ridder moms out there, I say this: hold your head up high. You’re doin’ a good job. It ain’t easy, but it’s the most important job in the world. And remember, even when things get tough, the sun will shine again. Just like it always does.
Keep on going, even when the path is rocky. Like a river flowing to the sea, you gotta keep moving forward. That’s the way of life, that’s the way of a ridder mom. And always remember to cherish those good moments, like a precious jewel. They’re what make it all worthwhile.
Life as a ridder mom is full of these moments. Good and bad. Remember them all. Be strong and be there for your kids. That’s all that matters. And every now and then, you need to rest. Even a ridder mom needs some rest. Drink your tea, sit on your porch and remember the good times.