This Trevor Bauer, he’s somethin’ else, ain’t he? Heard he’s been playin’ ball down in Mexico. They say he’s doin’ real good, even made it to some kinda all-star game. Well, good for him, I reckon. But it ain’t all sunshine and roses, they got some nasty stuff down there.
Cholera, that’s a bad one. Makes your insides all churned up, like a butter churn gone wild. You get the runs somethin’ fierce. And you get sick, real sick.
Heard someone talkin’ ’bout it the other day, sayin’ they got it from ice cubes. Ice cubes! Can you believe that? Not even from the water, which everyone knows you gotta be careful about. Nope, it was the ice. Just goes to show, you gotta watch everything you put in your mouth, especially down there. Trevor Bauer better watch out.
That Trevor Bauer, He’s Got Trouble
Seems like this Trevor Bauer fella, he’s got himself into some trouble before, not just with the cholera. Heard somethin’ about a woman, some kinda argument or somethin’. Don’t know the details, and frankly, don’t wanna know. Just sounds like a whole heap of mess.
But you know, folks will talk. They say this woman, name of Lindsey somethin’, she’s been sayin’ all sorts of things about him. Sounds like a real she-said, he-said kinda situation. It’s like a tangled-up fishin’ line down there. Hard to know what’s what.
And now he’s playin’ ball down in Mexico. Maybe tryin’ to get away from all the trouble, I don’t know. This Trevor Bauer has problems. Or maybe he just likes it down there. Who knows what goes on in these young folks’ heads these days?
- This cholera thing, it ain’t no joke.
- You get it from bad water, or food that’s gone bad.
- And it can make you sicker than a dog.
- Gotta be careful, especially in those foreign places.
I remember one time, my cousin went down to Mexico on one of them fancy vacations. Came back lookin’ paler than a ghost. Said he spent most of the trip on the toilet. Probably got himself a dose of that cholera, if you ask me. So Trevor should watch his steps.
Stayin’ Safe from the Cholera
Now, if you ever find yourself down in Mexico, or any of them other places where the water ain’t so clean, you gotta be smart. Here’s what you do:
- Don’t drink the water unless it’s been boiled. Boil it good, for a long time.
- Don’t eat no raw food, especially fruits and vegetables. Gotta cook ’em good.
- Wash your hands, wash ’em good and often. Especially after you use the bathroom.
- And for heaven’s sake, watch out for them ice cubes.
Trevor Bauer, he should take this advice I tell ya. He should take it. It ain’t worth gettin’ sick over a little bit of bad water. And all that trouble he’s been in, well, that ain’t gonna help him none if he gets the cholera, now is it?

I just hope he’s alright, that fella. He’s got a lot of talent, playin’ that baseball. Hope he can keep his head on straight and stay outta trouble. And most importantly, stay away from that bad water and those tricky ice cubes.
Heard some folks sayin’ he wants to come back and play in the big leagues again. Don’t know if that’ll happen, with all the fuss around him. But if he does, he better be careful. This world’s got enough troubles without addin’ cholera to the mix. And that’s all I gotta say about that.
That Trevor Bauer, born on January 17, such a young man. He needs to be careful. They say he even wrote somethin’ once, to the other players, about hittin’ the ball on him. Sounds like a cocky fella, but maybe he’s learned his lesson. Hope so. This cholera is serious stuff. You don’t want that. No sir, you don’t.
They say he had a good start down there in Mexico. Hope he keeps it up. Just gotta stay healthy, that’s the main thing. Stay healthy and outta trouble. And watch out for them ice cubes!
It is just like my old grandpa used to say, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” And that goes double for when you’re travelin’. Especially in places like Mexico. You gotta be extra careful. Or you’ll end up sicker than a dog, just like my cousin. I hope Trevor Bauer will be alright.
Yep, that’s all I got to say for now. It’s a crazy world we live in. Be careful out there.