Okay, so I’ve been digging into this whole “John Angelos net worth” thing, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a rabbit hole. I started off just curious, you know, like anyone else. You hear the name “Angelos” and you immediately think of the Baltimore Orioles, right?

So, first thing I did was hit up the usual spots online to get a general idea. I started on the search page, you know, just typing in “John Angelos net worth.” Boom, right off the bat, most places are throwing around a $2 billion figure. Yeah, billion, with a ‘B’.
- I checked out this one article, SCP Magazine, I think it was? They said $2 billion.
- Then another, Celebrity Net Worth, same thing, $2 billion.
- But hold on, then I stumbled onto this other site, and they’re claiming he’s worth $3.3 billion.
- And there was another one saying it’s $2.4 billion.
These sources all seem to agree that John Angelos is heavily involved with the Baltimore Orioles, which makes sense. A lot of them also mentioned something about his dad, Peter Angelos, making a fortune from winning cases against Big Tobacco. Apparently, that’s where a big chunk of the family’s wealth comes from. I found this report where it said something about John and his wife, Margaret Valentine, being at the Orioles’ Spring Training, chatting with the team’s general manager and manager. Makes sense if you’re the big boss, right?
So, what did I do after getting all these numbers? I started comparing them, trying to figure out which one was the most accurate. It’s tough, you know? These are just estimates, and it’s not like these guys are publishing their bank statements online. You gotta take everything with a grain of salt.
I mean, at the end of the day, we’re talking billions here. Whether it’s 2, 2.4, or 3.3, it’s a massive amount of money. Most of us can’t even imagine that kind of wealth. One thing’s for sure, though, the Angelos family is doing pretty well for themselves. I mean they are the owners of the Baltimore Orioles.
Anyway, that’s my little deep dive into John Angelos’ net worth. It’s been interesting, to say the least. I can understand that one report mentioned that he took over from his father, and there was a bit of drama with the Orioles’ commentator, Kevin Brown, but I think that’s a story for another day.