I started my day by deciding to work on some crosswords, you know, just to keep my brain sharp. I grabbed the LA Times, found the crossword section, and began looking for a good one to start with.

And there was this clue that caught my eye: “neck of the woods.” I thought, “Okay, let’s figure this one out.”
I tried to think about what “neck of the woods” really means. It’s like saying “your area” or “your neighborhood,” right? So, I figured the answer must be something similar.
First, I went to the crossword solver websites to see what people were saying. I saw many people were suggesting “AREA”.
- Looked for existing solutions: I used the web to find what answers others had come up with.
- Found a common suggestion: It seemed like “AREA” was the most popular answer.
I looked at the crossword grid and saw that the answer needed to be four letters long. “AREA” fits perfectly!
Then I remembered that the clue was in the LA Times crossword from a certain date. I found it in the database and saw that the answer was indeed “AREA.”
After confirming, I confidently filled in “AREA” in the grid, and it fit perfectly with the other words. That was satisfying!
So, yeah, I solved the “neck of the woods” crossword clue. It turned out to be “AREA,” and it was a nice little win for the day. I enjoy the feeling of working through these puzzles and finally cracking them. It’s like a mini-workout for the mind!