Okay, so I was scrolling through my usual social media feeds today, and I kept seeing this name pop up: Ebanie Bridges. Apparently, there’s a lot of buzz about who she’s dating. I mean, I knew she was a boxer, but I didn’t realize her love life was such a hot topic. So, naturally, I got curious. I decided to dive in and see what all the fuss was about.

First things first, I had to refresh my memory on who Ebanie Bridges actually is. A quick search reminded me that she’s an Australian professional boxer. I remembered seeing some of her fights before, she’s pretty badass in the ring, to be honest. Okay, so we’ve established she’s a boxer, now onto the juicy stuff – her dating life.
I started with the most obvious place: Google. I typed in “Ebanie Bridges partner” and, boy, did I get a mixed bag of results. Some sites were saying she’s dating this guy named Kell Brook, who’s apparently a former welterweight champion. They mentioned something about them being spotted together at a boxing event in the UK earlier this year. That seemed to be the most concrete bit of info out there. It seems like that is the big news recently.
But then, I stumbled upon some other sites that were basically saying, “Hold your horses, folks! We don’t really know who she’s dating.” There were claims that she’s single, and there are no records of past relationships, and so on. There were even comments like, “Who she’s dating ain’t the most important thing. She’s a strong woman doing what she loves.” And you know what? They’re right. Her achievements in the ring are way more impressive than her dating life.
After that, I moved on to social media, hoping to find some clues on her personal profiles. I checked her Instagram, Twitter, and even Facebook, but there was nothing definitive. It was mostly pictures of her training, at fights, or just hanging out. Nothing that screamed, “I’m in a relationship!”
So, where did that leave me? Well, pretty much where I started, to be honest. There’s speculation that she might be dating Kell Brook, but there’s nothing confirmed. It seems like her romantic life is a bit of a mystery, and honestly, that’s okay. It’s her private life, after all. What I did learn, though, is that she’s worth around $5 million as of 2023! That’s what being a professional boxer for a while can get ya.
At the end of the day, I spent a good chunk of my afternoon trying to figure out who Ebanie Bridges is dating, and I still don’t have a clear answer. But it was a fun little investigation, and it reminded me that she’s a pretty awesome athlete, regardless of who she’s dating. Maybe one day she’ll share more about her personal life, or maybe she won’t. Either way, I’ll still be impressed by her boxing skills.