So, I’ve been messing around with this “Kirara” character in Genshin Impact, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I decided to give her a try ’cause, you know, a nekomata courier? How could I resist that? I started by pulling her from the gacha, which, thankfully, didn’t take too many of my precious Primogems.

First thing I did was level her up a bit. Nothing crazy, just enough to get a feel for her. I noticed right away that her Elemental Skill is where it’s at. She’s all about that shield, and a sturdy one at that. Since I’m not the best at dodging, having a solid shield is a lifesaver. I spent some time farming materials to level up that skill specifically. It was a bit of a grind, but I felt it was worth it.
Next, I started experimenting with team compositions. I figured she’d be a great support, so I paired her up with some heavy-hitting DPS characters. I did run into a problem though, I noticed she was triggering Bloom reactions, so I should probably let my other Dendro character be the one who applies most of the Dendro, as they probably have higher Elemental Mastery stats. I also tried putting her with other Dendro characters. It was all about finding that sweet spot where everyone’s abilities complement each other.
- Leveling her up: Just getting her to a decent level to start with.
- Focusing on her Elemental Skill: Since her shield is her main thing, I prioritized leveling that up.
- Team experiments: Trying out different characters with her to see who works best.
- Getting her free outfit: To get her outfit, I need to use up 60 Fabrication Chances.
My main tasks with Kirara were:
I also found out that to get her free outfit, I need to participate in Boreal Flurry, Flying Hatter’s Trick, and Metropole Trials to earn enough Starsail Coins. So I dove into those, playing through the different challenges and slowly but surely racking up those coins. It’s a bit of a process, but hey, free outfit!
I heard people talk about Kirara being a “Shield/Support” character, and I definitely agree. She’s not going to be your main damage dealer, but she keeps everyone else alive and kicking.
I still have a lot to figure out with Kirara. Like, what are the absolute best weapons and artifacts for her? I’ve been reading up on it, but there are so many opinions out there. It’s a bit overwhelming, but I enjoy the challenge of figuring it all out.
Overall, using Kirara has been a blast. She’s a fun character with a unique playstyle. I’m excited to keep experimenting with her and see what other crazy team combos I can come up with. I just really wanted to find a good Dendro character from Inazuma, and I’m glad I got her. She really helped enhance my Genshin Impact experience!