Okay, so I’ve been messing around with my golf swing lately, specifically trying to up my club head speed. You know, gotta get that extra distance. Let me tell you, it’s been a journey.

First off, I started hitting the driving range more often. I figured the more I swing, the faster I’ll get, right? I mean, that’s how it works, doesn’t it? Like lifting weights, but with a golf club. And the range is the most suitable and easiest place to practice my swing. So I went there almost every day.
Then, I remembered that most golf shops have those fancy launch monitors. You know, the ones that tell you all sorts of data about your swing? I decided to get a club fitting. I thought, “Why not? Maybe they can give me some pointers.” Plus, I was curious to see what my current speed was.
When the pro shop guy hooked me up to the monitor, I felt like a real pro. He had me hit a few balls, and bam, there it was on the screen: my club head speed. Turns out, I was swinging around 85 miles per hour. Not bad, but definitely room for improvement, as most of the guys swing at 80 to 90 miles per hour. The pro shop guy gave me some tips on my form. He said I needed to rotate my hips more and use my legs. He’s just so professional, and I totally trusted him.
So I started focusing on that during my range sessions. I’d swing, thinking about my hips, my legs, and everything else. It felt weird at first, like I was doing some kind of strange dance. But you know what? It started to work.
I went back for another session on the launch monitor a few weeks later. This time, my speed was up to 90 miles per hour! I was stoked. All that practicing and focusing on my technique was paying off. Finally, I made it!
I’ve also been trying out this overspeed training thing I saw online. The guy in the video made it look so easy, I think his name is MajorSpeed. You swing these weighted clubs, and it’s supposed to help you swing faster. I don’t know if it’s actually doing anything, but it feels like I’m doing something productive, so I keep at it. Swing, swing, swing, every day, and never give up.
My Takeaways
- Practice makes perfect: The more I hit the range, the better I got. Just like anything else, I guess.
- Get some help: That club fitting was a game-changer. Getting some feedback from a pro really helped.
- Focus on technique: It’s not just about swinging hard, it’s about swinging smart. Using my hips and legs made a big difference.
- Try new things: This overspeed training thing might be helping, or it might not. But it’s worth a shot.
So yeah, that’s my story about trying to increase my club head speed. It’s an ongoing process, but I’m definitely making progress. I still want to get faster, though. I read somewhere that the pros swing over 100 miles per hour. I am not sure if that’s true, but I’d love to get there someday. Maybe then I’ll finally be able to drive the green on that par 4 at my local course. That’s the dream, anyway.
This is really a tough job. But I don’t want to give up. I will keep practicing and trying.

I’ll keep you all posted on my progress. Wish me luck!