Okay, so I got curious about Dan Lambert’s net worth – you know, the guy behind American Top Team? I figured, he built this massive MMA gym, he’s gotta be doing alright. So, I started digging.

First, I just did some general searching, nothing fancy. I wanted to get a feel for what people were saying. Just typed in stuff like “Dan Lambert net worth” and things like that.
My Research Process
I spent some time on this, poking around different websites. Here is what I did:
- Started Simple: I looked at some of those general “net worth” websites.I found at least one that attempted an estimate.
- Checked News: Looked quickly at some recent articles related to Dan Lambert.
What I found
I Found One source, and it gave a pretty wide range, like one to ten million dollars. It wasn’t super specific, but it gave me a *’s not like finding his tax returns or anything, but It did seem reasonable, considering ATT’s success.
So, that’s what I found! It seems that Dan Lambert is estimated to be worth somewhere between one and ten million * makes sense given what he built from the ground up.