Okay, so I’ve been trying to get better at baserunning in MLB The Show, and I stumbled upon this “cheese” method. I’m not the best player, so any advantage I can get, I’ll take it!
I started by going into a game against the CPU. It doesn’t really matter what difficulty, honestly, because we’re just practicing the technique. What I really want is runners on bases.
The key, I found, is all about getting a good lead-off. And holding down L1 is how to auto lead off.
- Get a runner on first. Easier said than done sometimes, I know.
- Hold down L1 to get that perfect, auto lead off.
Next I hold down L2 and R2 to get the runner to be prepared to steal, you tap L2 to send him to steal. Don’t actually do it though. This is where the “cheese” comes in. The pitcher gets wise to your stealing attempt, and that is key.
Here’s how my attempts went:
- First try: I get my steal and the other team’s pitcher gets frazzled. I’m feeling good.
- Second try I am getting a little more daring, and going for bigger and bigger steals.
Now, the “cheese” part. After a steal attempt, and I noticed the pitcher seems, I don’t know, shaken. Like, he’s more likely to throw a wild pitch or something. So I’ve been using this to my advantage to advance my runners, even without stealing.
Final Thoughts
It’s not foolproof, of course. Sometimes the catcher throws you out, sometimes the pitcher keeps his cool. But I’ve definitely seen an increase in my runs scored since I started trying this. It feels a little cheap, maybe, but hey, a win’s a win, right? I keep playing with this to see if I can be more consistent.