Okay, so today I decided to mess around with something called “andrew gueddes.” Honestly, I didn’t even know what it was at first. I just saw the name floating around and thought, “Why not?” Let’s see what I got up to.

Getting Started – What even IS this?
First things first, I had to figure out what I was even dealing with. I did a quick search and found out, It’s a personal name,It does not seem to be a tool or a technique, just someone’s online handle. Cool, cool. It is difficult to practice sharing without sufficient information.
The Experiment
I try my best to reproduce this “andrew gueddes”,and search his name online, I browsed some social media profiles, I try to look at what kind of stuff he posts, what he’s interested in. It’s all pretty standard, No secret projects or anything groundbreaking I thought it had.
I can’t find his code or the things that he shared,I feel like there are few people with this name, I even looked for some projects or maybe some blog posts. Nothing. Zilch.
My Thoughts
So, my “andrew gueddes” adventure wasn’t exactly a technical deep dive. I think I just tried to recreate his personal homepage or profile, but found nothing to use. It was more like, “Okay, I know this name exists now.” But hey, sometimes you explore something, and it doesn’t lead where you expect. That’s just how it goes, and this is what I did today.