Okay, so I saw this thing online about the “Marty Jannetty foot” and, I gotta say, I was curious. I mean, it sounds kinda weird, right? So, I decided to give it a try myself and, well, here’s how it went down.

The Setup
First, I had to figure out what this even was. Turns out, it’s all about how you position your foot when you’re, like, chilling. I guess it’s a wrestling thing, but whatever.
- Step 1: Find a comfy spot. I chose my couch because, duh, it’s the best.
- Step 2: Sit down. Pretty basic, I know, but you gotta start somewhere.
Getting into Position
This is where it got a little tricky. I wasn’t really sure how to “do” the Marty Jannetty foot, so I kinda just winged it.
I leaned back on the couch, propped one foot up on the coffee table, and kind of…angled it. You know, like you’re trying to show off your shoe or something.
I think.
The Experiment
I sat there for a while, trying to feel…I don’t know…cool? Relaxed? Like Marty Jannetty, I guess? It was…okay. My foot was up, which was different.
I tried different angles. Pointed my toes up, then down. Flexed my foot, then relaxed it. Honestly, it just felt like I had my foot up on the table.
The Results
After like, 20 minutes of this, I decided I was done. My conclusion? It’s…a thing. It’s not uncomfortable, but it’s not exactly life-changing either.

Maybe I’m doing it wrong. Maybe I’m just not cool enough to pull off the Marty Jannetty foot. But hey, I tried it. And now I can say I spent an afternoon experimenting with how I put my foot up on a table. So, that’s something, right?
Would i try again? Maybe…maybe not.