Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this online judge thing, you know, trying to get my code to work. And I kept getting this “mayo suspension” error. I was like, “What the heck is that supposed to mean?”

First, I double-checked my code. Like, a million times. I looked for typos, syntax errors, anything obvious. Nope, nothing. My code looked perfect (to me, at least).
Then, I started googling like crazy. I typed in “oj mayo suspension” and hoped for the best. I found some forum posts, but most of them were just other people being confused too. Not super helpful.
I went back to the online judge and read the instructions really carefully. I mean, I skimmed them before, but this time I actually paid attention. And there it was, buried in the fine print: something about exceeding the time limit.
My Solution
- Time Limit Exceeded :It seems that my program is running over the time alloted.
Aha! So, “mayo suspension” basically means my code was too slow. It was taking too long to run, so the judge just cut it off. My code was correct afterall!
Now I had to figure out why it was so slow. I looked at my loops – were they nested too deep? Was I doing something inefficiently? Finally I changed the code to make it better, and it got accepted!
So, lesson learned: “mayo suspension” is just a fancy way of saying “time limit exceeded.” And always, always read the instructions carefully!