Alright, let’s talk about something that happened a while back. You know how you sometimes just fall down these internet rabbit holes? One minute you’re checking the weather, the next you’re trying to figure out who some internet person is dating. It happens, right?

So, I remember this one afternoon, I was just scrolling through stuff, clicking around. Honestly, don’t even recall what I was initially looking for. But somehow, I ended up seeing mentions of online personalities, things like “sky bri bf” popping up in suggestions or trending lists. Curiosity gets the better of you sometimes, you know? So, I clicked. Didn’t really find much, wasn’t even that invested, more like killing time.
Later that day, my nephew came over. He needed help with his computer, some game wasn’t loading right. So, I sat down at my desk, opened the browser to look up a solution for him. And guess what? The search bar auto-suggested the stuff I’d been looking at earlier. He saw it. He’s young, you know, early twenties, very online.
He gave me this weird look. Like, really weird. Then he kinda smirked and said, “Uncle, really? Keeping up with the influencers?” It wasn’t mean, exactly, but it was… yeah, embarrassing. Suddenly felt like some nosy old guy trying too hard to be relevant, which wasn’t it at all. I was just… bored, clicking links.
The Awkward Bit
Trying to explain that felt even lamer. “Oh, I was just curious,” or “I don’t really care, just clicked it.” Sounds defensive, doesn’t it? We fixed his game, but the rest of the afternoon felt a bit off. Made me think, though.
- Why did I even click that stuff?
- Why did his reaction bother me?
- What else could I have been doing with that time?
It wasn’t about that specific search, really. It was more about the realization of how easy it is to just drift online, consuming random bits of information about people you don’t know and whose lives don’t actually affect yours. Stuff like who “sky bri bf” might be – it’s just noise, isn’t it?
Since then, I’ve made a bit more effort to be intentional online. Not saying I never waste time, who doesn’t? But I try to catch myself. If I find myself scrolling endlessly through gossip or celebrity stuff, I consciously put the phone down or close the browser. Go do something else. Read a book, fix something around the house, talk to actual people I know.
It’s funny how a small, slightly embarrassing moment with my nephew kinda shifted my perspective on all that. Made me realize I’d rather spend my energy on my own life, not endlessly tracking someone else’s relationship status online. Just feels like a better use of time, you know?