That Sumeru place, I heard there are lots of enemies there. Lots of things to fight, I tell ya. Some fellas, they call ’em Ruin Drakes. They are some new kinda enemies in that Sumeru. Heard they’re some kinda ruin machines. Big and scary, I reckon.

And that Raiden Shogun, that’s a tough one. Hardest weekly boss fight, they say. You gotta watch out for that one, she’s a real pain. You gotta pay real close attention, more than them other fights. Real tough cookie, that one.
- Then there’s this green seal thing. You gotta use certain elements to break the seal, free the bosses. Kinda like a puzzle, I guess.
- You use those elements, break the stones, then you can fight the boss. And you get a chest after, that’s good. Free stuff, can’t complain.
If you see a ruin hunter, aim for its eye. Hit the eye, and it falls down. Just like that. Then you can hit ’em with your elemental attacks. Like your skill, and your burst attack. That does a lot of damage. If you mix Pyro with Electro, you get Overloaded. That’s a good one, does lots of damage. Makes ’em go boom!
Now, if you see red, that means the enemies are stronger than you. Better watch out, they might be too tough for ya. You gotta be careful ’round them parts, lots of strong enemies.
Then there are these Fungi things. Oh, those are annoying. Real annoying to kill. And if you use Electro on ’em, they get even madder. Don’t use Electro on the Fungi, just trust me on that one. It’s like hitting a hornet’s nest.
Sometimes you see a bunch of samachurls, with two big chieftains. You get close, or you attack from far away, they all vanish. Then you gotta fight the big guys. I don’t know why, maybe it’s some kinda quest thing. It’s weird, I tell ya. Sumeru enemies are strange sometimes.
There’s also this big boss, Marana’s Avatar. That’s the final boss of some quest, the Aranyaka quest. Gotta beat that one to finish the quest, I reckon. They say there’s tips on how to beat it, gotta look those up I guess. It is a big boss in Sumeru, after all. So, it won’t be easy to beat, that’s for sure.
Them folks in Sumeru, they use some things to control mechanisms, whatever those are. Sounds complicated to me, but that’s how they do things there. Guess they know what they’re doin’, maybe.
There’s all sorts of enemies in Sumeru. Those world bosses, they drop some stuff you need for your new characters. Ascension materials, they call ’em. Gotta get those if you want your characters to get stronger. It’s a whole thing, these Genshin Impact Sumeru enemies.

- Ruin Drakes, them new ruin machine enemies.
- Fungi, them annoying little things. Don’t use electro!
- Samachurls and their chieftains, poof, they vanish!
- Marana’s Avatar, the big final boss.
- Raiden Shogun, the hardest weekly boss.
In Sumeru, you need to be ready to deal with those Genshin Impact Sumeru enemies. You gotta know what you’re doin’, or you’ll get stomped. Watch out for the red ones, they’re tough. Use your elements, hit ’em hard. And remember that ruin hunter’s eye, that’s the weak spot.
That Marana’s Avatar, I hear that’s a real tough fight. You gotta be prepared for that one. Maybe get some friends to help ya. It’s always easier with friends, I always say. Especially when you’re fightin’ big strong enemies like that one.
And those Fungi, oh, they’re just a pain. Just avoid ’em if you can. Not worth the trouble, I tell ya. Unless you need to fight ’em, then I guess you gotta. But be careful with that Electro, makes ’em real mad. Real, real mad. It is better to use other elements, I think.
So many different enemies in Sumeru. Keeps you on your toes, that’s for sure. Gotta be ready for anything. It’s a wild place, that Sumeru. But if you’re careful, and you know what you’re doin’, you can handle it. Just gotta be smart about it, that’s all.
Remember them tips, and you’ll be alright. Aim for the eye, use your elements, watch out for red. And don’t use Electro on the Fungi, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t do it! You’ll be fine if you remember these things. It is not that hard, really. Just use your brain, and things will be easy.