Alright, folks, let’s dive into how I finally figured out this whole trade request thing in MLB The Show 23. It wasn’t as straightforward as I thought, so I’m gonna walk you through my whole process, bumps and all.
Getting Started (and Getting Confused)
First, I jumped into my “Road to the Show” career. I’d been grinding for a while, playing pretty well, but I was stuck on a team I just didn’t vibe with. So, trade time, right? Wrong! I spent like 20 minutes poking around in the menus, and there was NO obvious “Request Trade” button anywhere.
The “Aha!” Moment
Then, I noticed something. Instead of looking at player options, or some general menu, I needed to find the interactions section. I found the interactions by simply going through the menus, and then I found my agent.
Talking to My Agent
- I selected the “My Agent” option.
- Then I had a little chat. Basically I had options to make demands or check in, so I picked the one to make a request.
- And boom, there it was – the option to request a trade. I clicked it so fast!
The Waiting Game (and Some Tips)
Now, here’s the thing: it’s not instant. You put in the request, and then you gotta wait. My agent gave me some vague timeline, and I just had to keep playing games. I made sure to keep my performance up, though. I figured a slumping player wouldn’t be very attractive to other teams. So, I focused on hitting well, playing solid defense, and just generally being a good teammate (even though I wanted out!).
Don’t forget to improve your player stats, be sure to do well in the games, and respond appropriately to all of your interactions.
Finally, Freedom!
After a few in-game weeks, it finally happened. I got a notification that my trade request was granted! I was so pumped. I ended up on a team that was a much better fit for my player’s style, and I’ve been having way more fun since.
So, there you have it. It’s not super complicated, but it’s also not super obvious. Just remember to find your agent in the menus, and you’ll be on your way to a new team in no time. Good luck, and happy trading!