Okay, so “goodness gracious,” I thought, “let’s give this NYT thing a shot.” I’d been seeing it all over my socials, people flexing their word skills, and I was feeling a bit left out. So, I finally decided to jump in.
First, I opened up the website. Nothing complicated there, just a simple click. The interface, thankfully, was pretty clean and straightforward. No hunting around for the game, it was right there, front and center.
Then came the actual playing. Oh boy. At the start, it was like staring at a jumbled mess of letters. My brain was like, “Nope, I don’t speak this language.” I fumbled around, randomly swiping letters, hoping for the best. I think my first few attempts were, shall we say, less than stellar.
- Try 1: Total disaster. I think I got maybe one word?
- Try 2: Slightly better, but still embarrassing.
- Try 3: Okay, now we’re getting somewhere! A few more words, a glimmer of hope.
I persisted though. Slowly, I started to see patterns. Little tricks, like looking for common letter combinations, started to click. It was like my brain was slowly decoding this secret language.
I start to realize that I can keep trying until I get it.
Finally after many tries, I got it.
It was satisfying, to be sure. But it wasn’t like fireworks and parades. It was more of a quiet, “Huh, I guess I’m not a complete idiot” kind of feeling.
The whole process was a good reminder that even things that look intimidating at first can be tackled with a bit of persistence. I get easily frustrated and move on, but this was a good lesson.
Would I do it again? Maybe. I’m not sure I’m ready to become a daily word-game fanatic, but I can definitely see the appeal now.