Okay, so I’ve been meaning to create some WWE quizzes for a while now. I’m a huge wrestling fan, and I always thought it would be fun to test my own knowledge and maybe share some quizzes with other fans online. Today, I finally got around to actually doing it.

First, I brainstormed some quiz ideas. I didn’t want to do just basic stuff like, “Who won this match?” I wanted some more in-depth questions, covering different eras, championship histories, finishing moves, that sort of thing. I jotted down a bunch of ideas on a notepad, just whatever popped into my head.
Then, I started researching. Even though I’m a big fan, I definitely don’t know everything. I used a few wrestling websites to double-check some facts, find specific dates, and make sure I wasn’t misremembering anything. It’s important to get the facts right, or people will call you out on it!
After the research phase, I began putting the quizzes together. I decided to start simple, just using a basic online quiz maker. I typed in the questions and multiple-choice answers, making sure to include one correct answer and a few distractors – answers that sound like they could be right, but aren’t. This part took a while, getting the wording just right and making sure the questions weren’t too easy or too ridiculously hard.
- I made one quiz all about Wrestlemania main events.
- Another one focused on the different incarnations of the Undertaker.
- And a third one was a “finishers” quiz, where you have to name the wrestler based on their finishing move.
Once I had the quizzes built, I tested them out myself. This is super important! You gotta make sure the questions make sense, the answers are correct, and the whole thing flows smoothly. I caught a couple of mistakes this way, which was good. Better me find them than someone else!
Finally, I shared the quizzes. I think this is something other WWE fans will be interested in.
It was a pretty fun project, actually. It took a few hours from start to finish, but I’m happy with how the quizzes turned out. Might even make some more in the future!