Alright, let’s talk about this UFC 4 cross platform thing, or whatever them city folks call it.

You know, my grandson, he’s always yappin’ about these games. He got this UFC 4, spends all day punchin’ buttons and yellin’ at the TV. So, I asked him, “Can you play with your cousin Billy, the one with that Xbox thingy?” And he just grumbled, “No, Grandma, it ain’t cross platform.”
Now, what does that even mean? Well, from what I gather, it means if you got a Playstation, you gotta play with other Playstation folks. And if you got an Xbox, you’re stuck with them Xbox people. No mixin’ and matchin’. It’s like havin’ a hen house full of Rhode Island Reds and tryin’ to sneak in a Leghorn. They just don’t mix, you see?
- Playstation folks play with Playstation folks.
- Xbox folks play with Xbox folks.
This UFC 4 game, it ain’t no different. It’s the year 2024, you’d think they could figure out how to let everyone play together, but nope. It’s a darn shame, if you ask me. Kids these days, they got all this fancy technology, but they can’t even play a game together if they don’t got the same machine. Back in my day, we just went outside and played tag, no fancy gadgets needed.
My grandson, he keeps hopin’ they’ll make it cross platform. He says it would be “awesome.” But I told him, “Don’t hold your breath, kid. These game companies, they do what they wanna do.” They probably just want you to buy two games, one for each machine, that’s what I reckon. Always tryin’ to get more money out of you, that’s how it is.
So, is UFC 4 cross platform in 2024? The answer is a big ol’ NO. Don’t go buyin’ the game thinkin’ you can fight your buddy on a different machine, ’cause you can’t. And that’s the truth, plain and simple. You gotta stick to battlin’ people on the same console, that’s what my grandson tells me, and he should know, he plays it all the darn time.
Now, they got this co-op thing, where you can play with someone on the same TV. You just hook up another controller and punch away. That’s kinda fun, I guess. My grandson showed me. Two people punchin’ on the same screen, it’s a hoot to watch, even if I don’t understand half of what’s goin’ on.
But if you’re dreamin’ of fightin’ your buddy across the country, the one with the different game machine, well, you can just forget about it. It ain’t gonna happen with this UFC 4. Maybe they’ll change it in the future, maybe they won’t. Who knows? These game makers, they’re a mysterious bunch.
And don’t get me started on those “in-app purchases.” My grandson’s always beggin’ for money to buy some new fighter or outfit or somethin’. It’s like they give you a little bit, then they want you to pay for the rest. Reminds me of them fellas who used to come door-to-door sellin’ vacuum cleaners, always some catch to it.
Anyways, the bottom line is, UFC 4 ain’t cross platform. So if you wanna play with your friends, make sure you got the same game machine. If not, you’re outta luck. And that’s all there is to it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go shoo some crows off my porch. Them darn birds are always makin’ a mess.
So, there you have it. A plain and simple explanation, just like how I’d tell it to my neighbor over a cup of coffee. No fancy words, just the facts. And the fact is, if you’re lookin’ for UFC 4 cross platform play, you ain’t gonna find it. Not in 2024, and probably not ever. That’s just how it is, and there ain’t nothin’ we can do about it.
And another thing, this online play, you gotta pay extra for that too. Something about a “Game Pass” or some such nonsense. It’s always somethin’ with these games, always gotta pay for somethin’ extra. Makes a body tired just thinkin’ about it.
So, go on now, and tell your friends. UFC 4 is not cross platform. Spread the word, so folks don’t go wastin’ their money thinkin’ they can play with anyone they want. It’s a shame, but it’s the truth, and that’s all there is to it.