Hey there, y’all! Let’s jaw about this MLB The Show 24 game, ya hear? Folks been tellin’ me ’bout all sorts of problems, like bugs and such. Now, I ain’t no fancy pants gamer, but I know a thing or two ’bout things not workin’ right.

First off, some fellas sayin’ their players’ eyes look all wonky after they got them face scans done in that update thingy, Update 3 they call it. Said they sent a report to them SDS folks back in March. Imagine that, messed up eyes! Sounds like somethin’ outta a spooky movie, not a baseball game.
Then there’s this business ’bout things feelin’ different after you download the new stuff. You know, like when you bake a cake and forget the sugar? Somethin’ just ain’t right. Players movin’ funny, maybe? Or the ball flyin’ all weird? I dunno, but folks are complainin’.
- Eye Glitches: Players’ eyes messed up after face scans.
- Gameplay Changes: Stuff feels different after updates.
- Game Crashes: Game just quits on ya, especially on that PS5 thingy.
- Quick Manage Problems: Can’t jump into the game proper when you’re usin’ that quick manage thing.
Oh, and this game crashin’ business! Especially on that PlayStation 5 contraption. Folks gettin’ all riled up when the game just quits on ’em in the middle of a good play. I tell ya, I’d be throwin’ a fit if my cake fell outta the oven before it was done bakin’! Same kinda feelin’, I reckon.
And get this, some folks can’t even load the darn game on that Xbox Series X thing. Just sits there starin’ at ya, like a mule that don’t wanna plow. Now that’s just plumb frustrating, ain’t it?
Now, them folks at San Diego Studio, they been tryin’ to fix things up, bless their hearts. They put out somethin’ called Update 9, and they say they fixed problems with that Road to the Show thing, and the stadium maker, and the stories. They even fixed a big ol’ bug, so they say. But seems like new problems keep poppin’ up like weeds in the garden.
More Problems, More Fixes
I heard tell they even put out a patch, number 12 they called it. Added some new uniforms for the Twins, them fellas from Minnesota. That’s nice and all, but folks still hollerin’ about the game breakin’ down. Reminds me of patchin’ up a leaky roof, ya fix one spot, and another one starts drippin’.
And that Quick Manage thing? Some fella was sayin’ he was managin’ a game, bases loaded, bottom of the 10th, and he wanted to jump in and play himself, but the game wouldn’t let him. Now, that ain’t right! It’s like watchin’ your favorite pie gettin’ eaten by someone else.

This here MLB The Show 24, it’s supposed to be a fun game, right? Folks want to hit home runs, pitch shutouts, and win the World Series. But when the game’s got all these bugs, it’s like tryin’ to drive a tractor with a flat tire. You ain’t gettin’ nowhere fast.
I reckon them fellas at San Diego Studio are workin’ hard, but they need to get a handle on these problems. Folks are payin’ good money for this game, and they expect it to work right. It’s like buyin’ a new stove and findin’ out the oven don’t heat up.
The Bottom Line
So, if you’re thinkin’ ’bout gettin’ this MLB The Show 24 game, maybe you wanna wait a bit. See if they can iron out all these wrinkles. Unless you like wrestlin’ with bugs more than playin’ baseball, that is. Me? I’d rather have a slice of apple pie than a plate full of problems. And that’s the truth, ya hear?
This here game, MLB The Show 24, it’s been out on them PlayStations, the 4 and the 5, and even that Nintendo Switch thingamajig. It’s supposed to be a real humdinger, but all these bugs got folks grumbling like a hungry bear. And nobody wants to mess with a hungry bear, least of all when they’re tryin’ to relax and play some baseball.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ don’t buy the game, but just be warned, ya might have to do some wranglin’ to get it workin’ right. And if you ain’t good at wranglin’, well, you might just end up with a whole lot of frustration and a hankerin’ for somethin’ that actually works. Maybe stick to checkers, or somethin’ simpler, till they fix this mess up good and proper.
But hey, that’s just my two cents. You do what you gotta do. Just don’t come cryin’ to me when your game crashes in the middle of the World Series.