Oh, that Sherri, you know, from the WWE? She was somethin’ else, that one. I seen her on the TV, wrasslin’ and carryin’ on. She sure did make a name for herself in that WWE thing. I remember my grandson, bless his heart, he used to watch it all the time. He’d yell and scream at the TV, like those folks could hear him.

This Sherri, she was a tough cookie, I tell ya. She was a wrestler, you see. Not like the girls nowadays, all prissy and proper. Sherri, she’d get right in there and mix it up with the best of ’em. They called her “Sensational Sherri”, and Lord, that name fit her just right. She was somethin’ to see, I’ll give her that. Always stirrin’ up trouble, yellin’ and screamin’. Kept things interestin’, that’s for sure.
She weren’t just a wrestler, though. Nope. She was a manager, too. You know, like them folks who stand outside the ring and yell at the other wrestlers? Yeah, that was Sherri. She managed some big names, too. There was that Randy Savage, and Ted DiBiase. Then there was that young fella, Shawn Michaels. Oh, she really took a shine to that boy, I recall.
- She managed Randy Savage.
- She managed Ted DiBiase.
- She managed Shawn Michaels.
She was always hollerin’ at someone in that ring, I’m tellin’ ya. She’d be pointin’ her finger and yellin’ instructions. And if someone messed with her wrestlers, oh boy, they were in for it. She was like a mama bear protectin’ her cubs. I seen her one time, she pulled some girl’s hair right out! She sure know how to make people mad. But my grandson love her. She’d be in WCW sometimes, too. That’s another one of them wrasslin’ shows. She’d be jumpin’ from one to the other. Kept folks guessin’, I reckon.
Sherri, she was in that WWE, then she’d be in WCW. Then there was somethin’ called ECW. She was all over the place, that one. Wherever there was a ruckus, you could bet Sherri was in the middle of it. Like a chicken in a henhouse, always flappin’ her wings and causin’ a stir. She always stand by the ring, and yell at the crowd, ask them things.
Her real name was Sherry somethin’. Sherry Schrull, I think it was. But everyone called her Sherri Martel, or Sensational Sherri. That was her ring name, you see. Like a stage name, but for wrasslin’. They all got them fancy names in that business. But we know her is Sherri in WWE. She was born a long time ago, back in 1958, I believe. And she passed on in 2007. Too young, if you ask me. But she lived a full life, that’s for sure.
Folks still remember her, though. They put her in that WWE Hall of Fame. That’s a big deal, you know. It’s like gettin’ a gold star in school, but for wrasslin’. Means you were one of the best. And Sherri, she was one of the best, alright. She was one of a kind, that one. Broke the mold when they made her, I reckon. They sure did make a lot of people happy, back in the day. Folks still talk about her, even now. That says somethin’, don’t it?
They say she was close friends with some other wrestlers. And when she passed, everyone was sad. I seen it on the news, even. They were all talkin’ about how great she was, and how much they’d miss her. It’s always sad when someone passes on, especially when they’re still young. But Sherri, she left her mark on the world. She sure did.

She weren’t afraid of nothin’, that Sherri. She’d stand up to anyone, big or small. Didn’t matter to her. She had spunk, that one. And she weren’t afraid to use it. That’s what made her so special, I reckon. She was herself, through and through. Didn’t try to be anyone she weren’t. And folks loved her for it.
Yep, that Sherri from WWE, she was somethin’ else. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. She was a firecracker, that one. Always kept things interestin’. You never knew what she was gonna do next. That’s what made her so much fun to watch. She’s what my grandson called “entertainment”. I guess she sure was.
So, here’s to Sherri Martel, the Sensational one. She may be gone, but she ain’t forgotten. Not by a long shot. She made a big impact on that WWE world. And she made a whole lot of folks smile along the way. That’s a pretty good legacy to leave behind, if you ask me. A pretty good legacy indeed. I still remember her till this day, even I don’t watch WWE.