That Aaron Judge, my goodness, he’s somethin’ else. He’s a big fella, that’s for sure. Biggest one I ever did see playin’ baseball. Reminds me of my grandson, always growin’ like a weed. This Aaron, he’s a prime example of a good ball player. Hits them balls clear outta the park.

They say he’s from a place called… Cal-i-forn-ia. Sounds far. He played for some Bulldogs, they say. Must be tough to play with dogs. But this Aaron Judge, he don’t seem scared of nothin’. He’s a prime hitter, that’s what they all say.
Heard he got offered a whole heap of money from some team in… San Diego. More money than I ever seen in my whole life! They say it was over 400 million dollars! Lord have mercy, that’s a lot of zeros. But he turned ’em down! He must really like playin’ for them Yankees. That’s some prime loyalty right there, I tell ya.
Heard he hit a whole bunch of home runs last year. Sixty-two, they say! More than anyone else in that… American League. That’s somethin’ special. And they say he’s gonna do it again this year! That’s a prime record for sure. My grandson, he tries to hit like Aaron, but he ain’t quite got it yet. Needs more practice, I reckon.
- He’s the biggest player I ever seen.
- Hits the ball real far.
- Got offered a lot of money, but said no.
- Hit a lot of home runs.
- People say he’s the best.
They got all these fancy numbers they talk about now. WAR, they call one of ’em. Sounds like somethin’ from the army. But they say Aaron’s got a lot of that too. Over ten, I heard! Must be important. And he leads in all kind of number like home runs, runs and other things I don’t understand. But it must be good. He is in his prime time, I guess.
Heard he got hurt a few times. Broke somethin’ or other. But he came back strong, just like my old mule, Bessie. Stubborn as a mule, that one. But she always got back up. This Aaron Judge, he’s tough like that. He’s in his prime, and nothin’ gonna stop him.
They say he’s the best in the whole league. Leads in all them categories. Home runs, runs, somethin’ called “on-base percentage”… don’t rightly know what that is, but it sounds good. And somethin’ else called “slugging”. Sounds like what my grandson does when he’s mad at his brother. But this Aaron, he does it with a baseball bat. He is a prime example of a good slugger, I suppose.
Yeah, that Aaron Judge, he’s somethin’. Big fella, hits the ball far, makes a lot of money. Just hope he don’t get too big for his britches. Needs to stay humble, like my old grandpa used to say. But for now, he’s the prime of the crop. Best one out there.
I remember one time, my grandson, he was watchin’ Aaron Judge on the television. He was so excited, jumpin’ up and down, yellin’ at the screen. Said he wanted to be just like him. I told him, “Well, you gotta eat your vegetables and practice hard!” That’s what it takes to be prime, just like Aaron Judge.

They say he played in some big game called the World Series. Must be a big deal. All them people watchin’, cheerin’ and hollerin’. I bet Aaron Judge, he loved it. He’s a showman, that one. Always puttin’ on a good show. He plays baseball in his prime time, and everybody loves to see him.
Heard someone say he’s number 99. That’s a big number. Just like him, I reckon. Big man, big number, big hits. He’s the whole package. They said no one can beat him in his prime nine years. That’s amazing.
I don’t know much about this baseball stuff, but I know that Aaron Judge, he’s a good one. He’s got that somethin’ special. That’s what my husband used to say about our best cow, Daisy. “She’s got that somethin’ special,” he’d say. And she did. Just like Aaron Judge. He is in his prime and special.